#include #include #include #include #ifdef unix #define __cdecl #else #include #endif // please address any bugs discovered in this code // to the author: karl malbrain, karl_m@acm.org // link bit-level I/O void arc_put1 (unsigned bit); unsigned arc_get1 (); // This code is adapted from Professor Vitter's // article, Design and Analysis of Dynamic Huffman Codes, // which appeared in JACM October 1987 // A design trade-off has been made to simplify the // code: a node's block is determined dynamically, // and the implicit tree structure is maintained, // e.g. explicit node numbers are also implicit. // Dynamic huffman table weight ranking // is maintained per Professor Vitter's // invariant (*) for algorithm FGK: // leaves preceed internal nodes of the // same weight in a non-decreasing ranking // of weights using implicit node numbers: // 1) leaves slide over internal nodes, internal nodes // swap over groups of leaves, leaves are swapped // into group leader position, but two internal // nodes never change positions relative // to one another. // 2) weights are incremented by 2: // leaves always have even weight values; // internal nodes always have odd values. // 3) even node numbers are always right children; // odd numbers are left children in the tree. // node 2 * HuffSize - 1 is always the tree root; // node HuffEsc is the escape node; // the tree is initialized by creating an // escape node as the root. // each new leaf symbol is paired with a new escape // node into the previous escape node in the tree, // until the last symbol which takes over the // tree position of the escape node, and // HuffEsc is left at zero. // overall table size: 2 * HuffSize // huff_init(alphabet_size, potential symbols used) // huff_encode(next_symbol) // next_symbol = huff_decode() // huff_scale(by_bits) -- scale weights and rebalance tree typedef struct { unsigned up, // next node up the tree down, // pair of down nodes symbol, // node symbol value weight; // node weight } HTable; typedef struct { unsigned esc, // the current tree height root, // the root of the tree size, // the alphabet size *map; // mapping for symbols to nodes HTable table[1]; // the coding table starts here } HCoder; // initialize an adaptive coder // for alphabet size, and count // of nodes to be used HCoder *huff_init (unsigned size, unsigned root) { HCoder *huff; // default: all alphabet symbols are used if( !root || root > size ) root = size; // create the initial escape node // at the tree root if( root <<= 1 ) root--; huff = malloc (root * sizeof(HTable) + sizeof(HCoder)); memset (huff->table + 1, 0, root * sizeof(HTable)); memset (huff, 0, sizeof(HCoder)); if( huff->size = size ) huff->map = calloc (size, sizeof(unsigned)); huff->esc = huff->root = root; return huff; } // split escape node to incorporate new symbol unsigned huff_split (HCoder *huff, unsigned symbol) { unsigned pair, node; // is the tree already full??? if( pair = huff->esc ) huff->esc--; else return 0; // if this is the last symbol, it moves into // the escape node's old position, and // huff->esc is set to zero. // otherwise, the escape node is promoted to // parent a new escape node and the new symbol. if( node = huff->esc ) { huff->table[pair].down = node; huff->table[pair].weight = 1; huff->table[node].up = pair; huff->esc--; } else pair = 0, node = 1; // initialize the new symbol node huff->table[node].symbol = symbol; huff->table[node].weight = 0; huff->table[node].down = 0; huff->map[symbol] = node; // initialize a new escape node. huff->table[huff->esc].weight = 0; huff->table[huff->esc].down = 0; huff->table[huff->esc].up = pair; return node; } // swap leaf to group leader position // return symbol's new node unsigned huff_leader (HCoder *huff, unsigned node) { unsigned weight = huff->table[node].weight; unsigned leader = node, prev, symbol; while( weight == huff->table[leader + 1].weight ) leader++; if( leader == node ) return node; // swap the leaf nodes symbol = huff->table[node].symbol; prev = huff->table[leader].symbol; huff->table[leader].symbol = symbol; huff->table[node].symbol = prev; huff->map[symbol] = leader; huff->map[prev] = node; return leader; } // slide internal node up over all leaves of equal weight; // or exchange leaf with next smaller weight internal node // return node's new position unsigned huff_slide (HCoder *huff, unsigned node) { unsigned next = node; HTable swap[1]; *swap = huff->table[next++]; // if we're sliding an internal node, find the // highest possible leaf to exchange with if( swap->weight & 1 ) while( swap->weight > huff->table[next + 1].weight ) next++; // swap the two nodes huff->table[node] = huff->table[next]; huff->table[next] = *swap; huff->table[next].up = huff->table[node].up; huff->table[node].up = swap->up; // repair the symbol map and tree structure if( swap->weight & 1 ) { huff->table[swap->down].up = next; huff->table[swap->down - 1].up = next; huff->map[huff->table[node].symbol] = node; } else { huff->table[huff->table[node].down - 1].up = node; huff->table[huff->table[node].down].up = node; huff->map[swap->symbol] = next; } return next; } // increment symbol weight and re balance the tree. void huff_increment (HCoder *huff, unsigned node) { unsigned up; // obviate swapping a parent with its child: // increment the leaf and proceed // directly to its parent. // otherwise, promote leaf to group leader position in the tree if( huff->table[node].up == node + 1 ) huff->table[node].weight += 2, node++; else node = huff_leader (huff, node); // increase the weight of each node and slide // over any smaller weights ahead of it // until reaching the root // internal nodes work upwards from // their initial positions; while // symbol nodes slide over first, // then work up from their final // positions. while( huff->table[node].weight += 2, up = huff->table[node].up ) { while( huff->table[node].weight > huff->table[node + 1].weight ) node = huff_slide (huff, node); if( huff->table[node].weight & 1 ) node = up; else node = huff->table[node].up; } } // scale all weights and rebalance the tree // zero weight nodes are removed from the tree // by sliding them out the left of the rank list void huff_scale (HCoder *huff, unsigned bits) { unsigned node = huff->esc, weight, prev; // work up the tree from the escape node // scaling weights by the value of bits while( ++node <= huff->root ) { // recompute the weight of internal nodes; // slide down and out any unused ones if( huff->table[node].weight & 1 ) { if( weight = huff->table[huff->table[node].down].weight & ~1 ) weight += huff->table[huff->table[node].down - 1].weight | 1; // remove zero weight leaves by incrementing HuffEsc // and removing them from the symbol map. take care } else if( !(weight = huff->table[node].weight >> bits & ~1) ) if( huff->map[huff->table[node].symbol] = 0, huff->esc++ ) huff->esc++; // slide the scaled node back down over any // previous nodes with larger weights huff->table[node].weight = weight; prev = node; while( weight < huff->table[--prev].weight ) huff_slide (huff, prev); } // prepare a new escape node huff->table[huff->esc].down = 0; } // send the bits for an escaped symbol void huff_sendid (HCoder *huff, unsigned symbol) { unsigned empty = 0, max; // count the number of empty symbols // before the symbol in the table while( symbol-- ) if( !huff->map[symbol] ) empty++; // send LSB of this count first, using // as many bits as are required for // the maximum possible count if( max = huff->size - (huff->root - huff->esc) / 2 - 1 ) do arc_put1 (empty & 1), empty >>= 1; while( max >>= 1 ); } // encode the next symbol void huff_encode (HCoder *huff, unsigned symbol) { unsigned emit = 1, bit; unsigned up, idx, node; if( symbol < huff->size ) node = huff->map[symbol]; else return; // for a new symbol, direct the receiver to the escape node // but refuse input if table is already full. if( !(idx = node) ) if( !(idx = huff->esc) ) return; // accumulate the code bits by // working up the tree from // the node to the root while( up = huff->table[idx].up ) emit <<= 1, emit |= idx & 1, idx = up; // send the code, root selector bit first while( bit = emit & 1, emit >>= 1 ) arc_put1 (bit); // send identification and incorporate // new symbols into the tree if( !node ) huff_sendid(huff, symbol), node = huff_split(huff, symbol); // adjust and re-balance the tree huff_increment (huff, node); } // read the identification bits // for an escaped symbol unsigned huff_readid (HCoder *huff) { unsigned empty = 0, bit = 1, max, symbol; // receive the symbol, LSB first, reading // only the number of bits necessary to // transmit the maximum possible symbol value if( max = huff->size - (huff->root - huff->esc) / 2 - 1 ) do empty |= arc_get1 () ? bit : 0, bit <<= 1; while( max >>= 1 ); // the count is of unmapped symbols // in the table before the new one for( symbol = 0; symbol < huff->size; symbol++ ) if( !huff->map[symbol] ) if( !empty-- ) return symbol; // oops! our count is too big, either due // to a bit error, or a short node count // given to huff_init. return 0; } // decode the next symbol unsigned huff_decode (HCoder *huff) { unsigned node = huff->root; unsigned symbol, down; // work down the tree from the root // until reaching either a leaf // or the escape node. A one // bit means go left, a zero // means go right. while( down = huff->table[node].down ) if( arc_get1 () ) node = down - 1; // the left child preceeds the right child else node = down; // sent to the escape node??? // refuse to add to a full tree if( node == huff->esc ) if( huff->esc ) symbol = huff_readid (huff), node = huff_split (huff, symbol); else return 0; else symbol = huff->table[node].symbol; // increment weights and rebalance // the coding tree huff_increment (huff, node); return symbol; } #ifdef HUFFSTANDALONE #include FILE *In = stdin, *Out = stdout; unsigned char ArcBit = 0; int ArcChar = 0; int main (int argc, char **argv) { int mode, size, symbol; unsigned mask = ~0; HCoder *huff; if( argc > 1 ) mode = argv[1][0], argv[1]++; else { printf ("Usage: %s [cdtls]nn infile outfile\nnn -- alphabet size\ninfil e -- source file\noutfile -- output file", argv[0]); return 1; } if( argv[1][0] == 's' ) argv[1]++, mask = 8191; if( argc > 3 ) if( !(Out = fopen (argv[3], "w")) ) return 1; #ifndef unix _setmode (_fileno (Out), _O_BINARY); #endif // literal text if( mode == 'l' ) { if( !(size = atoi (argv[1])) ) size = 256; huff = huff_init (256, size); putc (size >> 8, Out); putc (size, Out); size = strlen (argv[2]); putc (size >> 16, Out); putc (size >> 8, Out); putc (size, Out); while( symbol = *argv[2]++ ) huff_encode(huff, symbol); while( ArcBit ) // flush last few bits arc_put1 (0); return 0; } // alphabet fill if( mode == 't' ) { if( !(size = atoi (argv[1])) ) size = 256; huff = huff_init (256, size); putc (size >> 8, Out); putc (size, Out); putc (size >> 16, Out); putc (size >> 8, Out); putc (size, Out); for( symbol = 0; symbol < size; symbol++ ) huff_encode(huff, symbol); while( ArcBit ) // flush last few bits arc_put1 (0); return 0; } if( argc > 2 ) if( !(In = fopen (argv[2], "r")) ) return 1; #ifndef unix _setmode (_fileno (In), _O_BINARY); #endif // decompression if( mode == 'd' ) { size = getc(In) << 8; size |= getc(In); huff = huff_init (256, size); size = getc(In) << 16; size |= getc(In) << 8; size |= getc(In); while( size ) if( symbol = huff_decode(huff), putc (symbol, Out), size-- & mask ) continue; else huff_scale(huff, 1); return 0; } // compression if( !(size = atoi (argv[1])) ) size = 256; huff = huff_init (256, size); putc (size >> 8, Out); putc (size, Out); fseek(In, 0, 2); size = ftell(In); fseek (In, 0, 0); putc (size >> 16, Out); putc (size >> 8, Out); putc (size, Out); while( size ) if( symbol = getc(In), huff_encode(huff, symbol), size-- & mask ) continue; else huff_scale(huff, 1); while( ArcBit ) // flush last few bits arc_put1 (0); return 0; } void arc_put1 (unsigned bit) { ArcChar <<= 1; if( bit ) ArcChar |= 1; if( ++ArcBit < 8 ) return; putc (ArcChar, Out); ArcChar = ArcBit = 0; } unsigned arc_get1 () { if( !ArcBit ) ArcChar = getc (In), ArcBit = 8; return ArcChar >> --ArcBit & 1; } #endif setstats 1